Truth and Reconciliation

The Gabriola Island Memorial Society acknowledges with respect and gratitude the Snuneymuxw First Nation and their generosity in welcoming our ancestors centuries ago to their traditional territory. Their stewardship of the land and resources since time immemorial is a blessing to all of us here, living and working on Gabriola Island and beyond.

We want to express our joy in witnessing Snuneymuxw people today living and teaching their cultural and spiritual values; we know that for almost 100 years the Government of Canada made it illegal for them to practice their language, culture and ceremonies, and that they forced indigenous people to live on reservations and send their children to residential schools in an attempt to erase indigenous identity and enforce cultural assimilation. We are committed to listening to and standing with indigenous people and to work together for social change and healing.

Along with the Snuneymuxw First Nation, the Gabriola Island Memorial Society recognizes the current reality of the climate crisis. We seek to walk softly on the land in a good way and to do what we can to promote earth-friendly land use and preserve the environment beyond our lifetime. Our work shares the same values of caring for and protecting the land and working in community to promote healing and the awareness of the sacredness of this land and all life.

To the Snuneymuxw people, we raise our hands and say Huy ch q’u.